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Add customers

We can add all customers from the list - sales - then   we choose - customer file

برمج محاسبة

We then write the customer’s name, tax number, type of transaction, and prices – then we choose – Save

We note that an automatic customer number and account number are configured from the program, as shown in the following figure

افضل برنامج محاسبة سعودي
إضافة العملاء

Offer Price

From the sales list, we choose  – a quote – then we fill in the items whose price is required to be displayed as shown

اسهل برنامج محاسبة مبيعات
عرض السعر
فاتورة المبيعات

Sales invoice

From the sales list - we choose - sales invoice, then we enter the previously entered price quotation number   so that the items written in the quotation appear as shown in the following figure

برنامج كاشير مبيعات سهل

Sales returns

From the list of sales - we choose - a sales return voucher - in the event that the sales invoice is made and the customer then requests to return the goods that he purchased, we create a sales return invoice and write the sales invoice number in it so that the sales invoice items appear as follows

افضل برنامج محاسبة عربي بالسعودية
مرتجع المبيعات

Open invoices

From the list of sales - we choose - open invoices - in which we find a list of the items that were sold without the availability of quantities of them     in the warehouse and in the event that these items are settled in the warehouse we post all items as is shown

برنامج محاسبة سهل
الفواتير المفتوحة

Postpaid receipt voucher

From the list of sales - we choose - a billed receipt voucher, and this window   is used in case the user wants to liquidate the customer’s account with him based on his withdrawals from the invoices.

برنامج كاشير
سند قبض مفوتر

Sales reports

Through this list, we can know the reports of the sales movement on several levels, including - a brief sales movement - a movement as sales in detail - the sales movement at the level of a specific item - the sales movement at the level of a number of items and so on

اسهل برنامج محاسبي سحابي
تقارير المبيعات
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