Use it on the go
Check your business anytime, anywhere app on your phone and tablet.
All the data transferred is secured with SSL encryption.
You and your Employees are always working from the same set of data.
Multiple branches online
Link branches in different regions and get the updated data immediately.
Up-to-date software
Working online ensures you've always got the latest features.
Automatic backups to keep your data safe and secure.
Medad Online contains all the features of Medad Professional plus the following:
Work from anywhere: Turn a spare moment into a productive minute. Check reports, issue invoices, run payroll, and more on your phone.
Link branches in different regions and get the updated data immediately.
Get the latest updates immediately as they become available.
works on mobile devices and tablets (iPad, notes, and Windows Phone)
monthly subscription based on the number of users does not require the investment of large sums in IT infrastructure
The possibility of increasing the number of users temporarily as needed without incurring infrastructure cost
And many more features